Te nature of animal and plant toxins us all the same no matter what the chemistry: electron theft. If these are restored the venom is neutralized. Fairly large doses if ascorbate given intravenously thus work to relieve bits from insects and snakes, from poisonous plants and from envenomation from aquatic life. In particular the sting for the common lionfish, which can be fatal need not be a mystery that requires calling around to find there is no anti-venom when a single injection of a good dose of ascorbate will neutralize the toxin.

Observations On the Dose and Administration of Ascorbic Acid When Employed Beyond the Range of A Vitamin In Human Pathology

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The Clinical Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., abbreviated, sumarized and annotated by Lendon H. Smith, M.D.

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Norbert Zajac stung by a lionfish, heart stops 3 times