Searching for an alternative to prescription antibiotics? If so, talk to an experienced herbalist about usnea and lomatium, two strong-acting herbs with antimicrobial and immuno-modulating activity. Herbal antimicrobials work in much the same way as their drug counterparts do- by destroying or preventing the growth of bacterial micro-organisms. Usnea, a branched lichen also called old man's beard, contains acids that fight gram-positive bacteria such as streptococcus, staphylococcus and mycobacteria. This herb also works against candida, and can be topically applied for ringworm and athlete's foot. Lomatium is sometimes called Indian consumption plant or biscuit root and can be used against a variety of bacterial infections. It contains an oleoresin rich in terpenes that appears responsible for the herb's antiviral effects. Lomatium is also an effective expectorant and is useful for treating pneumonia, infective bronchitis, tuberculosis as well as colds and the flu. Source: Healthway Happenings Dec/Jan 2002 |