Fishtanks I've known, loved and killed
The Prequel

I got my first aquarium when my brother gave me his; he'd wanted it for a birthday present for his twelfth or thirteenth birthday and got bored with it after three weeks whereas I'd seemed to have garnered some enthusiasm for it so he gave it to me. Many many tanks have gone by since then.


Ontario, Canada.

One tank became six tanks very quickly. I experimented making tanks and filters and one such filter had a slight design flaw and emptied half the contents of a 20 tall onto the (oak) floor. All night long I'd heard weird noises - it was he floor boards warping. The floor was replaced and suddenly I had a fishroom in the basement, Thanks dad!


Ontario, Canada.

I'd ramped up to about a dozen tanks in the basement. Then I discovered girls as a teenager and the tanks dried up for a few years.


Ontario, Canada.

I worked for a year between High School and University and during that time rehydrated the tanks and acquired a few more. These all got sold when I moved to California.

Redondo Beach

Los Angeles, California, USA.

I lived in old Torrance when I first lived in LA and acquired four 40 gallon long tanks in the few months I lived there; I moved to Redondo and was there for about a year or so and had 6 or 7 tanks or so set up in the kitchen where a dining table was probably supposed to go.


Palos Verdes

Los Angeles, California, USA.

I lived here for almost 9 years and a dozen tanks in the living room. Everyone loved them! Almost.


Ontario, Canada.

In 1989 I moved back to Canada and lived in Toronto for six or seven years. During that time I only had a couple of tanks; it was a small rented house with just no room for more than a few tanks.



Ontario, Canada.

We moved out to the country in 1996; I had a fish room again and began collecting tanks and ramping up again; I'd haphazardly assembled a few 2's, 3's, 5's and a 10 which were sitting on a coffee table in my office.



Ontario, Canada.

The coffee table wasn't working out well and I'd accumulated a barnfull of tanks not and had to build something to hold them all. This setup is what all the pictures are of here; at around this time digital cameras were available. Previous to this I'd taken about 7 photographs with a film camera, that was all to change.

These few photos are of the construction of the tank stand above and the only (partial) photo of the whole thing below: