
Otto Gartner

Otto Gartner died in 2018. Aquarists know him from his very readable reports about West African fish and plants, and a special issue dedicated to his contributions in crinum and anbias was recently published. The kilifish was named for him.
I owe him my enthusiasm for Barbus Jae, various killifish and nannocharax. These photos were made when I saw him for the the last time in may 2013.

A selection of work:

  1. Gartner, O. (1978). Barbus jae, ein prächtiger Fischzwerg aus Afrika.. Das Aquarium 103 (1): 8 – 10.

    Gartner, O. (1982). Schöne Überraschung mit kleinen afrikanischen Fischen.. Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift (DATZ) 35 (3): 89 – 93.

  2. Gartner, O. (1986). Erstmals geglückt? Zucht von zwei afrikanischen Bodensalmlern. Aquarium Heute (AH) 4 (4): 14 – 17.

  3. Gartner, O. (1988). Kleine Schönheiten aus Afrika.. Aquarium Heute (AH) 6 (4): 21 – 24.

  4. Gartner, O. (1992). Freude an zwei afrikanischen Crinum-Arten. Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift (DATZ) 45 (5): 320 – 323.

  5. Gartner, O. (2000). Klein, schön, aber kaum im Angebot: Barbus jae.. Das Aquarium 375 (9): 16 – 20.

  6. Gartner, O. (2001). Afrikanische Salmler der Gattung Neolebias. Teil 1: Neolebias unifasciatus und N. ansorgii. Das Aquarium 388 : 20 – 23.

  7. Gartner, O. (2001). Afrikanische Salmler der Gattung Neolebias. Teil 2 (Schluss): weitere Neolebias-Arten und Anmerkungen zur Zucht von N. kerguennae. Das Aquarium 389 : 5 – 9.


Robert J. Goldstein
1937 – 2021

TFH columnist of "Killi Corner" in the 1970s. Author of a TFH Cichlid book.


Philip Henry Gosse
1810 - 1888

English naturalist and popularizer of natural science, virtually the inventor of the seawater aquarium, and a painstaking innovator in the study of marine biology. The aquarium craze was launched in early Victorian England by Gosse who created and stocked the first public aquarium at the London Zoo in 1853, and coined the term "aquarium" when he published the first manual, The Aquarium: An Unveiling of the Wonders of the Deep Sea, in 1854.

Gosse was also the author of Omphalos, an attempt to reconcile the geological ages presupposed by Charles Lyell with the biblical account of creation. After his death, Gosse was portrayed as a despotic father of uncompromising religious views in Father and Son (1907), a memoir written by his son, the poet and critic Edmund Gosse.

The Early History of Artificial Seawater for Aquarists by Al Klee

Works by Gosse:
The Canadian Naturalist: a series of conversations on the natural history of Lower Canada (1840).
An Introduction to Zoology (1844).
The Ocean (1844), edition of 1874 under the title ''The Wonders of the Great Deep; or, the physical, animal, geological and vegetable curiosities of the ocean.
The Birds of Jamaica (1847)
The Monuments of Ancient Egypt, and their relation to the Word of God (1847).
Natural History. Mammalia (1848).
Popular British Ornithology; containing a familiar and technical description of the Birds of the British Isles (1849).
Illustrations of the Birds of Jamaica (1849).
Natural History. Birds (1849).
Sacred streams: The Ancient and Modern History of the Rivers of the Bible (1850).
Natural History. Reptiles (1850).
A Naturalist’s Sojourn in Jamaica (1851).
Natural History. Fishes (1851).
The History of the Jews, from the Christian era to the dawn of the Reformation (1851).
A Text-book of Zoology for schools (1851).
Assyria: her manners and customs, arts and aims. Restored from the monuments (1852).
A Naturalist's Rambles on the Devonshire Coast (1853).
The Aquarium: an unveiling of the wonders of the deep sea (1854).
containing Instructions for constructing, stocking, and maintaining a tank, and for collecting plants and animals (1855).
Tenby: a seaside holiday (1856).
A Memorial of the Last Days on Earth of Emily Gosse. (1857)
Omphalos: an attempt to untie the geological knot. (1857), modern editions in 1998 and 2003.


P. (Peter) Humphrey Greenwood

One of the "great four" ichthyologists who revised the telosts with Weitzman, Rosen and Myers.

See: "Greenwood, Rosen, Weitzman, and Myers: Circumstances Surrounding the Publication of "Phyletic Studies of Teleostean Fishes, with a Provisional Classification of Living Forms," 1966
by Theodore W. Pietsch

Aphyosemion grelli
Willi Grell

Aphyosemion grelli is named after this German killifan who collected in West Africa frequently, he is the "G" in so many killifish location codes from that era, such as "GKC" and the well documented tips in the Eberl Cameronense book.