David Eccles demonstrates the proper way to touch the schistosome-laden water of a lakeshore Malawi swamp -- with a stick! Near Monkey Bay, 1971. Photo by M.K. Oliver

"From my journals, #8... Monkey Bay, Malawi, 13-Jul-1971. I was working quietly near David Eccles in the Fishery Research Unit while he was perusing some newly received technical bulletins and journals. After some minutes of silence behind the pages of one called American Fish Farmer, David laughed to himself -- "Ha!" "What is it?" I asked. He read, "The value of the U.S. bait minnow industry is 100 - 135 million dollars." He looked up at me. "Which is nearly the same as Malawi's gross domestic cash product.... THAT puts things in perspective!" - Michael K. Oliver


Carl H. Eigenmann

Carl H. Eigenmann(1863–1927), a groundbreaking researcher and pioneer of the natural history and biology of Cavefishes, Amblyopsidae, from a photo graph taken in 1915 (modified from Plate 37 in the Annals of the Carnegie Museum Volume 17, 1927)

William "Bill" Eschemeyer

1939 - 2024 Expert on taxonomy and the Scorpionfishes, Bill spent 10 years on a pet project at the California Acasemy of Sciences, then got NSF funding for another 10 years to finish the Catalog of Fishes which is not the gold standard and the only real reference for Piscine names. Bill was one of the kindest and most helpful people in the biological sciences.


Hans Evers

Explorer, aquarist.