"After a few years of raising some L134(Leopard Frog Pleco), I finally managed to breed them. I was just about to shut the lights off when I noticed a wiggler out on the gravel, being picked at by a shrimp. I caught them all and put them in a breeder box to prevent the shrimp from eating the fry (they ate all my longfin albino bristlenose babies a few months ago...)

I had a group of 10 of these L134 but accidentally killed 4 a few months ago. I way over fed them blood worms trying to condition them. The past 3 months I’ve been feeding them Bug Bites and I noticed my females became very plump, very fast. My males also started guarding caves. A few cold water changes later and here we are. I'm so excited since these are my favourite fish I’ve ever kept. I absolutely love their pattern and colour. Now to just raise these little guys to adults! I currently have 23 fry. Wish me luck!" - John Mepham