Head top: Frontal system
The neuromasts are found on the top of the head near the mouth.
Other than the E. sexfasciatus species group, all Epiplatys species have the two front neuromasts in a single dimple,
(Fig. b
) while all Aphyosemion, Fundulopanchax, and Nothobranchius and closely related fish have two dimples, each with single neuromast. (Fig a
). Clausen noted by 1967 that the former "Roloffia" clade (Archaphyosemion, Scriptaphyosemion and Callopanchax), all have a single dimple (Clausen, 1967).
Also other criteria that I examined
showed that "Roloffia" and
Epiplatys shared several characteristics
who have not a single representative of
Aplocheilidae shares with you ("synapomorphies").
The close relationship of Epiplatys
and "Roloffia" was also examined by DNA
proven (Murphy & al.,
Criteria 4 and 5 are unfortunately with Episemion
not yet examined.
Although Parenti's work is a milestone
in the classification of the tooth carp should, should
not to mention that you are inside
a species group only very little material
has examined. That's why the results
often not very reliable when it
around the lower taxonomic units